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Ugly Christmas Sweater Party Success at Joe's on Weed Street

This year's Ugly Christmas Sweater Party, which we held at Joe's Bar, was a major success! We raffled off $100 Visa Gift Card, Patrick Kane Blackhawks jersey, a spa package, iTunes Gift Cards and we even sold a few dozen Ugy Christmas Sweaters; all of the proceeds will be donated to The Shriners ( to help children receive the proper medical attention they deserve. The party was rockin' as Sixteen Candles put on one heck of a show! Here are a few pictures from the event, enjoy! Team Ugly December 24, 2010 From Ugly From Ads From Ugly From Ugly From Ugly From Ugly From Ugly From Ugly

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Tis the Season for Updates

One of our biggest goals for the upcoming holiday season was to make our website much more user friendly.  We're happy to announce that the "Buy Ugly Sweaters" page now has two new features. Larger Preview Images - You can now take a closer look at the Ugly Christmas Sweaters by clicking on the thumbnail to enlarge.  We've always tried to give you a good discription of how Ugly the sweaters were, but now you can see for yourself!Real Time Inventory  - Understandably so, when fresh pieces of Ugly arrive on the site, there tends to be a rush to the checkout, which in the past led to a few occasions where the item was "double booked".  We're happy to announce that improved inventory controls will now provide...

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CBS Sunday Morning - Ugly Christmas Sweater Party

Here is the segment that aired on Sunday, December 20th on the CBS Morning Show. Team Ugly (minus Brian) had a blast with Bill Geist and the entire crew...the segment has received plenty of kudos, and we're excited to watch the Ugly Christmas Sweater Party tradition grow! Team Ugly

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